A sad girl in a street in Mexico

 A sad girl in a street in Mexico

In a poor Mexican neighborhood, where bright colors adorn the walls of cracked houses and wildflowers litter the street corners, there lived a little girl named Isabella. Isabella was ten years old, a child who knew nothing but smiles and patience, despite the difficult life she was living.

Her mother worked as a flower seller in the market, barely trying to make a living. Isabella returns from school every day to help her mother arrange the roses and prepare the bouquets, hoping that the flowers will bring some happiness to people's faces.

One day, as Isabella was walking towards the market, she heard sounds of chaos coming from the main street. She quickly moved towards the source of the sound, but saw her mother lying on the ground in the crowd. She had been in a car accident and was trying to sell flowers to passersby.

Her mother was taken to hospital, but doctors were unable to save her. Isabella sat alone in the cold corridors, tears streaming down her cheeks. She felt as if her world had collapsed, as her mother was everything in her life.

After days of sadness and crying, Isabella found herself homeless and without a family. The neighbors were kind to her, but they were also poor and could not provide much for her. The brave girl decided to take responsibility for herself, so she started selling flowers herself in the market, holding on to the memory of her mother.

One day, an old man approached her, holding his little granddaughter's hand. He smiled at her and said: “I always bought flowers from your mother, and she brought joy to my granddaughter.” The old man gave her some money, saying: “This rose is for you. Remember, there is always hope in the end.”

Despite the sadness that still filled her heart, Isabella realized that love and hope can grow even in the most difficult circumstances. She continued to work in the market, carrying with her the memory of her mother in every flower she sold, and with every flower she gave to the world, she gave love and hope to others.
